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What are the 5 Stages of Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a highly personal journey. While there are a set of symptoms and stages people go through, it can be slightly different for each individual person. The disease does not often progress in a straight line, making it challenging to predict. Parkinson’s disease typically consists of two main sets of potential symptoms. The […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease

There is absolutely no denying the importance of a good night’s sleep. Especially as you age, sleep has restorative properties that are essential to proper health and functioning. Even just one or two nights of bad sleep can impair your ability to think and function the following day. But did you know science has begun […]

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Your Checklist for Visiting a Loved One in an Assisted Living Community

Spending quality time with your loved ones is always important, but when a loved one resides in an assisted living community, this familial bonding takes on new meaning. Seniors in assisted living need the interaction of family and friends to break up their typical routine, keep them connected with their loved ones, and help them […]

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Dementia Support: 5 Ways to Build Meaningful Relationships

If you are a caregiver to a loved one in your family, you’re not alone. Some 34 million Americans are providing care and support to an aging loved one. That means countless hours of emotional support, providing transportation, assisting with medications, doing household chores and supporting healthcare duties. When a large portion of your time […]

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    Why Choose Us?

    We’re committed to enhancing the lives of every single resident in our care, so we’ve made it a point to offer comprehensive senior care services that recognize and celebrate each individual.

    See how we’re pioneering a new way to approach senior living, and take a look at our lifestyle services today.

    Assisted Living

    We combine independence with caring staff ready to support your loved one’s experience with the fulfilling life they deserve.

    Memory Care

    Our compassionate philosophy to memory care nurtures an environment that celebrates individuality and fills every day with purpose.

    Independent Living

    Enjoy life the way you want while we take care of the little things. Discover new passions, spend time with loved ones, and make each day an adventure.

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