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Finding Connection and Purpose During Retirement in Albany

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What if you could make a simple change to your life that research shows could make you live longer? Turns out, having a purpose can do just that…finding something with which you can connect, setting goals, and helping others…all can boost your wellness in profound ways. Retirement in Albany, New York, opens the doors to a range of such opportunities.  

It’s one reason so many older adults in Albany choose Peregrine as their retirement address. We are redefining retirement living every day, inspiring residents to uncover more purpose and fulfillment in their daily lives. Here, you can relax and carve your own path, knowing exceptional care is available should your needs change. 

Why Having a Purpose Is Very Good for You 

Retirement in Albany, New York, has many advantages, and a wide array of volunteering opportunities is definitely one of them. Research shows that older adults who volunteer and regularly help others, live longer, healthier lives. Senior volunteers have lower mortality rates, fewer incidences of depression, and better functional abilities. Further, having an aim in life makes it more likely that you will engage in behaviors that are good for your health.  

There are other benefits. Having purpose often motivates older adults to take better care of their health. This can be healthier eating, better sleep, more exercise and more use of preventive health care. It also can reduce stress, simply because when you feel boosted by a purpose, you are less affected by stress overall. A very important result of this:  less inflammation in the body, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease and other conditions. 

Download our FREE guide, A Guide to Living Well During Retirement in Albany, New York.

Leading a Purpose-Filled Life During Retirement in Albany, New York 

Volunteer Opportunities 

You can search for opportunities on Another source of opportunities is LifePath Supportive Services for Older Adults. In addition, a helping hand is always appreciated at local charities like Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, United Way, and the Humane Society. Here are a few more ways for you to give back during retirement in Albany, New York: 

  • The New York State Museum welcomes volunteers. You can choose from assisting in research laboratories, assisting in our interactive children’s area called “Discovery Place”, helping school children in the after school program, or working with visitor services providing information and special programs to visitors. 
  • The Egg Center for The Performing Arts volunteers prepare playbills, act as ushers, ticket takers, security, and direction-givers during performances, and assist the staff in the smooth running of the facility and all of its programs.
  •  The USS Slater.  As a volunteer on the education team, you can give guided tours to visitors. As part of the restoration crew, your skills as an electrician, welder, mechanic, plumber, machinist or warm body will be put to good use on restoration work, which happens year-round and almost every day of the week.   

Religious Organizations 

The Albany area is rife with community-focused religious organizations, many of which provide programming with seniors in mind. Christ the King Church, St. Pius X Church, and St. Thomas the Apostle Church, for example, partner with Peregrine Senior Living to provide transportation, as well as in-community programming. 

There are a variety of other resources, organizations, and places of worship throughout the Albany area. Visitors and residents enjoy observing at: Albany Baptist Church, Christ Lutheran Church, Emmaus United Methodist Church, St. Sophia Greek Orthodox, Temple Israel, and Masjid Al Hidaya, among many others. 

Senior Organizations 

For an overview of services and resources geared to seniors, check out Albany County Department of Aging. You’ll find information on transportation, nutrition, community events, and more. The senior adult program at The Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center offers programs, events and more to help seniors socialize and stay physically active and mentally alert. The LifePath Supportive Center for Older Adults offers instruction ranging from memory improvement to financial management to making the most of Medicare.  

Retirement in Albany, New York:  A Great Choice! 

At Peregrine Senior Living, we support our residents through every stage of retirement, with care, convenience and all the ingredients for healthy aging. We call it The Peregrine Way™®. Independent living, assisted living and memory care: everything you need for continued spiritual, intellectual and emotional growth is right here…in a location that makes it easy to give back:  Albany, New York. We invite you to learn more. 

New to Albany?  Download our free guide, A Guide to Living Well During Retirement in Albany, New York. Or contact us.  

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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