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How Do Memory Care Programs Work?

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Memory care communities are dedicated to providing a specific level of care for individuals at varying stages of Alzheimer’s or dementia. These communities provide around the clock support and specialized safety features.

When it comes to finding Alzheimer’s or dementia care for your loved one, it’s important to find somewhere that will give you peace of mind and comfort that your loved one is well cared for in your absence. Learn how individuals living with dementia can thrive with individualized memory care programming and decide if it’s a viable option for your loved one.

The Key Elements of a Successful Memory Care Program

When it comes to your loved one, finding the right fit is vital to helping them find purpose despite a dementia diagnosis. Knowing the key elements to a successful memory care program will help you narrow your search and find the right fit for your loved one’s future.

1. 24/7 Support

While you may want to believe you will always be there for your loved one throughout their journey with dementia or Alzheimer’s, it’s unrealistic. You have your own life to live and you can’t always be on call. Finding a memory care community that offers around-the-clock staffing is essential to your loved one’s well-being. As you tour memory care facilities, ask about staffing – especially at night.

2. Medical Training for Memory Impairment

When a loved one is living with dementia, they require specialized support to help them thrive and find meaning despite what was lost. Ask about staff-to-resident ratio, find out about medical training, and ensure they take extra steps with their memory care activities to engage and stimulate your loved one.

3. Consistency is Key

As a caregiver, you know the importance of providing your loved one with consistency and stability. Quality memory care communities should have staff members with longevity and offer continuing care as your loved one’s health changes over time. Staff retention is also a key indicator to you that your loved one will be able to develop long-lasting and meaningful relationships and that they are being cared for by people who are passionate about their jobs. Don’t be afraid to ask about this.

4. Memory-Focused Activities

As far as memory care activities, it’s important that you find an assisted living facility that offers programs geared towards cognitive and physical needs. Enrichment is a key element in helping seniors thrive despite a dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Look for communities that offer spiritual experiences, lifelong learning opportunities, and activities that encourage mental, spiritual and social growth.

Be sure to schedule tours at several memory care communities so that you can get a comprehensive picture of what’s available to your loved one. You will know when you find the right fit for your loved one’s needs.

Specialized Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care at Peregrine Senior Living

If your loved one is living with a dementia diagnosis, Peregrine Senior Living is a unique memory care community that aims to enrich the lives of our residents and provide unsurpassed care and support for seniors and their families. We provide a safe, secure and comfortable environment for our residents to thrive and embrace their potential. Learn more about our memory care communities and contact us to schedule a visit today.

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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