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Live Well During Retirement in Albany

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Retirement in Albany, New York, offers you the best of everything: A city that’s considered one of New York’s best places to live, with a smorgasbord of excitement, culture, history and natural beauty. Add the remarkable senior living offered by Peregrine and you have a surefire recipe for wellness and a high quality of life.

Why is retirement in Albany, New York such an excellent choice?

There are many reasons, and in upcoming articles, we’ll go into more detail. For now, we want to give you an overview of why so many forward-thinking adults have chosen Albany as their retirement address.

• Great Location for Exploring

Albany is the capital city of the Empire state, located on the west bank of the Hudson River and surrounded by mountain ranges, approximately 135 miles north of New York City Weather in Albany is a mix of warm summers and cold, snowy winters. The mix of culture, higher education, natural vistas of the nearby Catskills and Adirondack Mountains and rich history make this an ideal retirement destination.

• A Foodie’s Delight

If you love fresh food and spending time with others who feel the same, you’ll love retirement in Albany, New York. Farmer’s markets have everything from fresh local produce to artisan bread to maple syrup and honey to artwork, flowers and repurposed items. Examples are the Guilderland Farmers MarketDelmar Farmers Market and Schenectady Greenmarket. Come hungry and leave happy!

When it comes to exceptional dining, Albany knows how to please. Everything from a storied Italian steakhouse to oysters that have come legendary to delightful casual fare. Don’t forget incredible soft serve ice cream and other sweet temptations. (In our next article, we’ll give you names.) Your taste buds will thank you.

• Learning Was Never This Much Fun!

Retirement in Albany, New York, is an open invitation to delve into fascinating history and culture. Originally inhabited by the Algonquin Indian tribes, Albany’s history goes back 400 years and it is one of the oldest surviving European settlements from the original 13 colonies. Explore the architecturally grand NYS Capital Building, tour the famed USS Slater destroyer, or spend an afternoon at the Saratoga Race Course. This is just the beginning!

• Fun Festivals & Events for Socializing

Getting together with friends is a snap when you’ve chosen retirement living in Albany, New York. We’re talking festivals, and lots of them. Whether you love tulipsjazz on the river, meeting authors and poets, there’s a celebration going on—and you’re invited! In fact, Albany’s annual calendar of events is bursting with possibilities. That’s great for healthy aging, as spending time with others is so important for senior health.

• Bring Your Creative Self

If your tastes lean to the artistic side, you will relish retirement in Albany, New York. Just ask fans of The Egg Center for The Performing Arts, known as “The Egg,” renowned for excellent acoustics and an intimate atmosphere. Spend a day in the Albany Institute of History and Art, or make plans to attend The Palace Theatre. Galleries, exhibitions, museums, concert halls and more: your inner artist will feel inspired.

Retirement in Albany, New York: Choose The Peregrine Way™®!

When you choose a Peregrine community as your home, you get more than just a senior apartment. You’ll have an exciting open page where you’re free to write the next chapter of your life, with interactive programs and activities, convenient services, exceptional amenities, and a dedication to transforming expectations of the aging process. We’d love to tell you more.

New to Albany? Download our free guide, A Guide to Living Well During Retirement in Albany, New York. Or contact us.

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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