Peregrine Senior Living at Guilderland | Assisted Living & Memory Care in Guilderland

Assisted Living & Memory Care with Heart

Nestled in the serene suburb of Guilderland, Peregrine Senior Living provides a harmonious setting dedicated to the wellness and happiness of its residents.

Our compassionate and dedicated staff members work tirelessly to cultivate an atmosphere filled with joy and comfort, ensuring that every resident is supported in living their life to the fullest. Our community provides a serene backdrop that enhances the enriching life experiences we are committed to offering our residents.

Connect with our advisors to discuss our personalized care approach, or schedule a visit to see our vibrant community firsthand.

Peregrine Senior Livingat Slingerlands

300 Mill Rose Court Slingerlands, NY 12159 Call Us: 518-218-0506

Experiences That Spark Joy

From energizing fitness regimes to immersive reading discussions and creative arts and crafts, there’s so much to explore at Peregrine Senior Living.

Our event calendar is full of experiences designed to connect loved ones to their passions and our community. Curious? Check out our calendar and find activities that inspire participation and foster friendships.

A Compassionate Approach to Memory Care

Our exclusive memory care program, “The Peregrine Way®,” brings joy and discovery to every day.

We promote growth, spiritual connection, and intellectual stimulation to help your loved one rediscover the joy in daily activities.

Discover “The Peregrine Way®” philosophy and the difference it can make in your loved one’s life.

The Peregrine Way™

Signature Services at Guilderland

Wellness & Daily Living Assistance

We prioritize the wellness and dynamic lifestyle goals of your loved ones by customizing our services to fit their needs.

Guidance and Resources for Families

Families benefit from our extensive resources aimed at understanding the complexities of aging and providing holistic support.

Delightful Dining Experience

Enjoy delicious meals prepared by our chefs, balancing flavor and health, and private dining options for special occasions.

Why Choose Us?

We’re committed to enhancing the lives of every single resident in our care, so we’ve made it a point to offer comprehensive senior care services that recognize and celebrate each individual.

See how we’re pioneering a new way to approach senior living, and take a look at our lifestyle services today.

Assisted Living

We combine independence with caring staff ready to support your loved one’s experience with the fulfilling life they deserve.

Memory Care

Our compassionate philosophy to memory care nurtures an environment that celebrates individuality and fills every day with purpose.

Independent Living

Enjoy life the way you want while we take care of the little things. Discover new passions, spend time with loved ones, and make each day an adventure.

Our Testimonials

Careers at Peregrine Senior Living

Peregrine Senior Living at Guilderland is a community where professional satisfaction meets compassion. Our staff, whether involved in everyday care or planning invigorating activities, are crucial in crafting our community’s warm heart.

Join a workplace that celebrates respect and compassion for our residents and each other.

Join Our Team

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