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National Senior Independence Month: How Seniors Can Maintain Independence

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If maintaining your independence for as long as possible is a priority for you, you’re not alone. February is National Senior Independence Month and it’s the perfect opportunity to get a refresher on all the ways seniors can maintain their independent lifestyle.

By making a few thoughtful changes to your current lifestyle, you can create an environment that promotes independence and self-sufficiency for as long as possible.

4 Tips for Maintaining Senior Independence

Believe it or not, maintaining your independence does take some planning. By taking steps to prevent injuries and accidents while also focusing on your overall health and wellness, you can sustain your independence.

Here are a few Tips for Preserving Your Independence for as Long as Possible:

  1. Create a Safe Space at Home – Making certain changes and upgrades to your home can give you and your loved ones peace of mind when it comes to your safety and wellbeing. Make general repairs around the home to ensure things are working as planned. Add grab bars, install night lights and tack down any loose rugs or cords. Do everything you can to improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls.
  2. Don’t Resist Technology – Learning new technology isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. By using smartphones, tablets and television, you can keep yourself entertained and in touch with your loved ones. Plus, you can utilize technology to help you stay organized and safe during emergencies.
  3. Improve Your Organization – While you might not think this is important to maintaining your independence, staying organized is essential as you age. Keeping clean records of doctor’s appointments, bills and medicines are important to staying healthy and safe. Decluttering your space to allow for better flow and focus is also an important part of organizing your life.
  4. Create an Exercise Routine – If you don’t already have one, consider creating a regular exercise routine that you can stick with. Staying physically active is important to overall health and wellness. Focus on exercises that promote core strength, balance, endurance, and flexibility.

Not sure how to start working on making changes to your lifestyle? Use February, National Senior Independence Month, as a starting point to making positive changes to your current living situation. When it comes to your retirement years, you want to be in control of how you spend them. Preserve your independence for as long as possible by making strategic changes to your lifestyle and focusing on your health and wellness.

Maintain Your Independence at Peregrine Senior Living

As you age, it’s important to find support through every stage of retirement. At Peregrine Senior Living, we offer compassionate senior care services that support your lifestyle now and in the future. It is our goal to help residents maintain their independence for as long as possible by engaging in programming that encourages seniors to continue their search for purpose in retirement. We encourage you to learn more about what our senior living community has to offer.

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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