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The Top 5 Signs You Need an Assistive Device

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Staying as independent as possible for as long as possible is always the goal for older adults. But sometimes maintaining that independence can’t happen without a little help. And as a senior, asking for help is sometimes difficult. That’s why it’s important to explore options that provide the help you need without having to involve others to support you.

Assistive devices, or mobility aids, are designed to help keep seniors active, safer and more independent for longer. These can range from simple devices that provide a little additional support to more complex assistive devices that improve mobility impairments.

While it’s common to feel a little reluctant to accept the help of an assistive device, it’s essential to remember that it is actually helping you to maintain your independence and prevent more serious injuries.

5 Reasons You Should Consider an Assistive Device

The most important thing you can do when it comes to your mobility is to not ignore warning signs. If you are experiencing pain or are unsteady when walking, you should consult your physician. They can help you find the right mobility aids for seniors that will keep you safe and active for years to come.

Below are some surefire signs you should consider talking to your doctor about assistive devices:

  1. Difficulty Walking – It’s not uncommon as you age to feel some fatigue or weakness when walking. Decreased strength and other aging factors can slow you down and make walking feel like a chore, even for short distances. If you are noticing that you’re having issues with walking, consider investing in an assistive device that will help you stay mobile.
  2. Pain When Walking – Another obvious sign you may need additional support is if you experience pain when walking. Arthritis pain or pain associated with a recent injury could require you to use an assistive device when walking. Don’t ignore the signs.
  3. Issues Maintaining Balance – Don’t be embarrassed if you are experiencing some minor unsteadiness when walking. It’s much more common than you think. If you feel unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded or disoriented at times, it’s important you have support within arms reach. A mobility aid such as a cane can provide additional support and prevent dangerous falls.
  4. Experience With a Recent Fall – If you recently experienced a fall, it’s a tell-tale sign that it could happen again. More and more aging adults find themselves in the emergency room for fall-related injuries. Don’t become a statistic because of stubbornness. Stay healthier longer by using an assistive device.
  5. Difficulty Tackling Stairs – If you live in a two-story home or are frequently finding yourself scaling steps, you could be at risk for a serious injury. Going up and down stairs multiple times a day can be challenging for seniors and over time, you might even find it impossible. Instead of avoiding stairs altogether, consider trying a mobility aid to help you move from point A to point B safely.

There are a wide variety of options when it comes to mobility aids for seniors, and it’s important for you to explore each one of your options with your doctor. Some of the aids you may consider include:

  • Cane or walker
  • Stair lifts
  • Power wheelchairs
  • Scooter
  • Crutches
  • Prosthetic devices
  • Orthotic devices
  • And more

Don’t let yourself fall victim to the many statistics surrounding senior falls. Senior falls can happen for a variety of reasons, but sometimes it’s just plain bad luck. Maintain your independence, remain physically active, and stay safe with assistive devices for seniors. 

Outstanding Care, Support and Compassion at Peregrine Senior Living

Peregrine Senior Living is working to revolutionize expectations for the aging process. Our unique programming is unlike any other senior living community. We maintain a commitment to providing the highest quality of care for seniors while allowing them to search for their own sense of purpose and fulfillment. Schedule a tour of one of our senior communities and experience The Peregrine Way™ for yourself.

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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