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Wearable Devices and Technology for Seniors

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The newest technology isn’t just for your kids and grandchildren anymore. Technological advances and new product inventions have provided us with devices that we can wear on our bodies every day. These products can not only keep us safer, but can also improve your quality of life. Keep reading to find out how wearable technology can help make your life easier.

What is the Definition of Wearable Technology?

Wearable technology is, to put it simply, electronic devices that people can wear on their bodies or in their clothing. It’s common to see people using wearable devices to track their fitness and exercise, such as the number of steps you take during the day or the amount of calories burned after a workout.

Other types of wearable technology include watches that serve as a phone, wearable GPS trackers, and even smart glasses that highlight objects in your environment.

Wearable Technology Examples

As technology has advanced, inventors and researchers are implementing new uses into common products to make them even more useful. Here are a few examples of wearable technology that anyone can utilize:


Remember when watches only told the time? These days, you can do pretty much anything with a smartwatch. For example, the Apple Watch comes equipped with several abilities, some of which include:

  • Monitoring heart rate
  • Placing phone calls
  • Streaming music
  • Emergency SOS calling

Another popular smartwatch is the Fitbit. Specifically designed for activity, the Fitbit is equipped with features to help you live a healthy life. From heart rate monitoring and exercise tracking to even measuring the amount of sleep each night, watches such as the Fitbit are helpful because you have an immediate way to track your progress.

Medical Devices

Some wearable devices go even further in tracking your physical health. For example, EKG monitoring can be done by simply having a placing a device in your pocket to monitor it for you. These monitors function like regular monitors in hospitals by checking your heart rate and detecting abnormalities.

Research is also ongoing in actively detecting medical conditions while people go about their everyday lives. For example, some smartphone applications are able to track the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and determine the severity of the disease. One such way this disease can be tracked is through a person’s walking, as Alzheimer’s can affect the symmetry and posture of a person’s gait. Some apps also have voice assistants that can monitor and report any differences in a person’s vocal patterns.

More Types of Wearable Technology

Wearable technology can also go beyond the smartwatch and medical devices. Here are a few more examples of their uses:

  • GPS systems are immensely useful in tracking where you are. Wearable GPS systems can also help track people who are en route to a destination. And, they can also you get back to where you need to be if you end up lost while on a walk or a drive.
  • Smart glasses have a wide variety of uses, from changing lenses to accommodate for sunlight, to taking pictures with a voice command. These types of glasses are still being developed and tested, but experts are predicting they’ll make an impact in the near future.
  • Smart clothes are a new development that integrates technology into clothing itself. For example, smart sleepwear can improve the quality of your sleep by releasing heat from the body. Another example are smart shirts that can track your heart and breathing rate and make recommendations on workouts and other physical activity.
  • Navigation services can help people with disabilities to navigate safely. The Aira service can be downloaded to any smartphone, smartwatch, or other tech, and the service will guide visually impaired persons to their destination.

Vibrant Senior Living at Peregrine

At Peregrine Senior Living, you’ll find welcoming communities committed to providing you or your loved one a strong foundation for a healthy, fulfilling life. If you’re interested in learning more about our senior living options, including our revolutionary approach to memory care, please contact us today and schedule a tourso you can see all that our vibrant community has to offer.

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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