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Category: Health & Wellness

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Staying Fit During Retirement in Albany

When you’re keeping fit, you’re moving your body:  muscles, heart, and bones. You’re pumping blood and oxygen where it needs to go, so that you can keep on breathing, laughing, learning, and enjoying every moment of your life. That’s what healthy aging is all about—feeling strong and independent. Retirement in Albany, New York, is the […]

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First in Line: What you need to know about the vaccine rollout

The CDC has made recommendations on a phased rollout. Here are some important facts to know: Q: Who is getting the COVID vaccine first? A: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended that in the first phase of vaccination in the U.S., COVID-19 vaccines should be given to health care personnel and adult residents […]

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Importance of Exercise for Seniors

It’s no surprise that physical activity and exercise are good for you thanks to the many benefits you will experience when you incorporate them into your everyday routine. Regular physical activity helps improve your mental and physical health and improves your state of overall wellbeing. Learn more about four simple exercises you can do at-home […]

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    Why Choose Us?

    We’re committed to enhancing the lives of every single resident in our care, so we’ve made it a point to offer comprehensive senior care services that recognize and celebrate each individual.

    See how we’re pioneering a new way to approach senior living, and take a look at our lifestyle services today.

    Assisted Living

    We combine independence with caring staff ready to support your loved one’s experience with the fulfilling life they deserve.

    Memory Care

    Our compassionate philosophy to memory care nurtures an environment that celebrates individuality and fills every day with purpose.

    Independent Living

    Enjoy life the way you want while we take care of the little things. Discover new passions, spend time with loved ones, and make each day an adventure.

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