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How Downsizing to Independent Living Opens Up New Opportunities

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There’s a lot to be said about having less to worry about. For example, downsizing from the responsibilities of a big house to the freedom of independent living not only removes a whole lot of stress, it also opens up a lot of new opportunities. Such as better use of your leisure time. Relaxation. Friendships. Learning. Travel. Being able to decide how you want to live and what you want to do each day—something we at Peregrine are passionate about.

Downsizing to independent living can free you to:

  • Start a whole new routine. Or change it every day. Ever wanted to begin your day differently, with more choices waiting for you? Independent living is your opportunity! Wake up early, or sleep in. Join the group for a morning walk, or indulge in a hearty breakfast and decide to start that new mystery novel. A friend might drop by and coax you into joining the group for an outing to a nearby museum or gallery. And tomorrow? You can do something completely different—with independent living, you not only have freedom, you have choices.
  • Take your brain for a spin. Now’s the time to learn something new, like how to speak a foreign language. How to cook a soufflé. How to play bridge. Downsizing to independent living gives you the time, because you are no longer spending hours with home upkeep. So instead of scheduling a plumber, you’re choosing which interesting lecture to attend or which concert to hear. You also have more time to participate in online courses if you choose. Knowing you have lightened your load makes you feel smarter already!
Download Just The Facts: Your Guide to Independent Living
  • Pursue new passions and pastimes. Without a lot of clutter to deal with, you can let your imagination soar. Remember, Grandma Moses started painting at 78. Downsizing to independent living gives you the opportunity to discover your hidden talents. Instead of dusting the artwork in your house, you could learn how to paint. Write music. Trace your family tree. Plan a once-in-a-lifetime tour of Tuscany. Finally get around to learning how to play golf. Maybe you’ve ordered an online course on how to play the ukulele. Why not? 
  • Deepen relationships with family. Taking care of a home takes a lot of time and energy. It can make it hard to spend quality time with children and grandchildren. Once you make the move to an independent living community, you can forget daily duties and just enjoy your time together. Invite them over for a meal in the private dining room. Walk around the community and introduce your friends. Or watch the big game in your apartment and cheer on your favorite team. You and your family can get back to just enjoying each other’s company now that you are comfortably settled in a carefree setting like independent living at Peregrine.
  • Design a whole new living space. Many older adults relish the thought of letting go of some well-worn pieces of furniture so they can start over with something new. Downsizing to independent living is the time to consider what really matters to you, and will it fit in your new apartment—or do you really want to take it with you? It can be exciting to consider all the possibilities of what your new home can be. Maybe a really comfy new chair for reading. Or a new smaller cabinet to hold your family photos. Some snazzy throw pillows for the bed. Take your time and have some fun!
  • Share your experience and talents. Aging gives you wisdom and patience, but independent living gives you the time. No more worrying about cleaning out the garage or polishing the silver that never gets used. Downsizing is your ticket out. Find a new purpose by volunteering with a favorite charity. Mentoring a young novice in business. Assisting with a gardening project. Joining a fundraiser. Volunteering not only connects you with others, it can help ward off depression, loneliness and lower blood pressure. Giving your time and talents to others can definitely be good for you.

Life is an interesting journey, and you have the freedom to decide how eventful it is.Contact us today to learn more. And please download the free guide, Just The Facts: Your Guide to Independent Living. We are here to help you!

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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