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When is The Right Time to Sell Your House?

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When you find yourself ready for retirement, that is usually a good time to start thinking about selling your home. You might be feeling overwhelmed with things like monthly household tasks and notice you have more than one unused room in your home. Also, if you’re finding that you’re struggling to pay monthly expenses, this might be a sign you should consider selling your home. Learn some helpful tips on how you can sell your home and make a profit.

5 Tips for Selling Your Home for Seniors

If you’re wondering where to start when it comes to selling your home – we’ve got you covered. Follow these five tips for selling your home to make the process successful.

  1. Get Financial Advice. Before you place your house on the market, it might be a good idea to seek out both tax and financial advice. If you’re unfamiliar with tax guidelines and rules, they can sometimes be tricky to understand when it comes to homes, so getting an opinion from a professional may benefit you.
  2. Organize and Declutter. When the time comes to move into a new home, you will most likely be faced with having to downsize your belongings. To stay organized, it might help to focus on one room at a time to make the process of selling, donating, discarding and storing items seem a little less overwhelming. It may also be helpful to look at a floor plan of your new home to determine how much space you will have and how much of your belongings will be able to fit.
  3. Create a Timeline. Creating a timeline to help you get from the moment you leave your current home to the moment you move into a new place helps you to stay organized during this process. Your timeline can include things like milestones, dates and notes related to the sale of your home. Make sure to review your timeline frequently, and stay on track to the best of your ability.
  4. Perform Household Repairs. An easy way to make your home appear more desirable is to fix what is visibly broken and complete home repairs you can afford prior to showing your home. Buyers are often looking for homes that are in move-in condition, so making these small repairs may help you to sell your home.
  5. Be Patient. Remember to be patient with yourself, and that selling your home isn’t going to happen overnight. The process from start to finish can be difficult and time consuming, so try your best to keep in mind that you’re working towards simplifying your life and it will all be completed soon.

3 Ways to Make a Profit from Selling Your Home

In addition to simply selling your home, you’re probably wondering how you can make a larger profit when the sale goes through. Read our three tips on how you can make a bigger profit when selling your home.

  1. Research Your Ideal Homebuyer. Researching your target buyer can help you to better understand the kinds of people that will be viewing your home and can make a substantial difference when selling your home.
  2. Keep Maintenance Up to Date. Make sure you invest time into keeping up on routine maintenance for your home. Simple things, like servicing the HVAC unit, can help boost the home value when you are selling.
  3. Create a Home History Inventory. It may be beneficial to keep records of the home’s maintenance, floor plans, warranty documents and other pertinent information. Well-kept records allow you to showcase your efforts to potential buyers and allow them to learn about the home’s maintenance history.

Experience Independent Living at Peregrine Senior Living

At Peregrine Senior Living, we are redefining how you enjoy your retirement in our independent living community. You work hard for your retirement, and it should be up to you to enjoy in on our own terms. Our independent living community allows you to live your life as freely as you want, knowing that assistance is available to you if you should need it.

Our independent living community provides you with vibrant services and amenities, dining, transportation and more. To learn about the exciting lifestyle that’s waiting for you at Peregrine, contact us today at 315-476-5610.

Written by
Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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Stephen Sarsfield Bowman

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