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7 Ideas for Celebrating Holidays Remotely with Parents in Assisted Living

Far apart, yet close at heart. Sometimes distance or other circumstances make it impossible to visit a loved one in assisted living during the holidays. Yet you can still find interesting ways for celebrating holidays remotely and sharing the joys of the season together. In fact, with a little imagination and today’s technology, you can […]

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Supporting Caregivers During Family Caregivers Month

As The Alzheimer’s Association reminds us, Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just affect the person with the diagnosis—it also impacts families and friends, especially those who provide care for them. Not only is November National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, it’s also Family Caregivers Month. It’s an opportunity to honor the nearly 15 million Americans who provide 17 billion hours […]

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6 Ways Exercise Helps the Aging Brain

You’ve heard of it: the fountain of youth! The same one that Juan Ponce de León wore out his sandals searching for. Throughout history, it’s been said to exist in Florida, Cuba, the Canary Islands, Polynesia, and England. But it’s actually much closer than you think!  According to the True Health Initiative, physical exercise remains the […]

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Keep Going, Keep Growing: Celebrating Healthy Aging During Active Aging Week!

Active Aging Week is this month, dedicated to celebrating how positive aging can be and encouraging adults over 50 to take advantage of all that life has to offer. At Peregrine Senior Living, we are all about healthy aging and helping our residents continue to grow mentally, socially, and spiritually. In fact, we’re changing expectations […]

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Why Common Areas Are So Important in Assisted Living Communities

When you move into an assisted living community, you get much more than a comfortable apartment and a professional team of caregivers ready to offer you a helping hand. You also get a variety of home-inspired, inviting spaces in which to socialize, entertain, and relax. Knowing that your home far extends beyond the door of […]

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    Why Choose Us?

    We’re committed to enhancing the lives of every single resident in our care, so we’ve made it a point to offer comprehensive senior care services that recognize and celebrate each individual.

    See how we’re pioneering a new way to approach senior living, and take a look at our lifestyle services today.

    Assisted Living

    We combine independence with caring staff ready to support your loved one’s experience with the fulfilling life they deserve.

    Memory Care

    Our compassionate philosophy to memory care nurtures an environment that celebrates individuality and fills every day with purpose.

    Independent Living

    Enjoy life the way you want while we take care of the little things. Discover new passions, spend time with loved ones, and make each day an adventure.

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